March is Women's History Month when we remind ourselves and teach our children about the wonderful, amazing and fantastic things women have achieved throughout history. Today I have gathered a list of 12 juvenile books all about women achieving great things and helping to create a better world for all who live in it.

Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most outspoken human rights activist in US history. Well before her time as First Lady, Eleanor worked worked to assist those in need and to speak for those who were never given a voice. This new book includes wonderful illustrations and would be great for any elementary aged child.

Simon Biles is the face of USA gymnastics with her record breaking wins and new moves. This book is one of my favorites because it's written in a fun, poetic style with a rhyming scheme that makes it easy for young children to read and understand. The illustrations are in beautiful bright colors sure to catch the eye of both young listeners and readers alike. I would recommend this book for children 4-8 years old.

A young girls life should be filled with joy and love, safety and education. For Anne Frank and many other Jewish people living in Nazi occupied countries, this was not their reality. Anne Frank's story is a both beautiful and tragic and this biography is a wonderful introduction for young readers. I would recommend this book for any elementary aged child.

Ella Fitzgerald is well-known for her jaw-dropping voice and performance flair but many people don't know her full life story. When she was just a child, she learned that she would have to work hard to become the singer she dreamed to be. This beautifully illustrated book includes much of the lingo of the time and is written perfectly for readers from ages 5-9.

Success doesn't happen overnight and dreams are not realized sometimes for many years. For Jane Goodall, life was not a series of lucky breaks. Jane wanted to watch the natural world and learn from the wildlife that lived there. Using her smarts and patience, she was able to make groundbreaking discoveries about the world around her. This short book is great for young readers from ages 4-8.

Amelia Earhart is a well known pilot who achieved amazing things in her lifetime. Her rise to fame was not an easy path as many people believed women could never fly a plane. This book goes through her life from early childhood to her last flight where she is forever lost. This book is a great choice for older readers between the ages of 8-12.

Born on the Yankton Sioux reservation, Zitakala-Ša, also known as Getrude Simmons, yearned for knowledge and loved to learn. When she left her home in South Dakota to go to boarding school in Indiana, Zitakala-Ša learned many important things from her white teachers, but she also learned how much she treasured and loved her own Native American culture. She would become a well respected musician and used her amazing public speaking skills to speak out against the harsh and unjust treatment of Native Americans. This inspiring biography is great for children ages 8-12.

Alice Coachman was a natural athlete but being a black women in the early twentieth century meant her dreams would be much harder for her to achieve. A Georgia native, Alice trained with determination and won many competitions with her amazing speed and strength. This delightful book is wonderful not only as a inspiring piece of literature, but also as tool for teaching the wrongs of racism. This would be great choice for any elementary aged child.

For many years, inventing was considered a man's profession. Many people once believed that it was too dangerous and challenging of a career for a woman to undertake. Margaret Knight disagreed with this sentiment and proved to the world that a woman was just as capable as any man in the work force. This inspiring biography is a perfect for children ages 5-8.

Currently, we know more about Space than we know about the ocean. Many people want to further explore the ocean and Sylvia Earle has worked hard to help humankind with that goal. This brave woman has spent hours in the ocean, traveling some of the lowest depth possible in a Jim Suit. This book is illustrated with deep blues and beautiful pops of color making the oceans truly come to life. I would recommend this book for any elementary aged child.

Harriet Tubman's life is one of the most inspiring in US history. Her strength, determination and faith have uplifted generation after generation and helped many people find hope. Her story is told in poem form and this book includes fantastic illustrations to fully enthrall the reader. This book is wonderful for children ages 4-8.

Eliza Schuyler Hamilton has risen in notoriety of late with the increase of interest from the recent hit musical Hamilton. Many do not know that this wife and mother was an activist and philanthropist who worked hard to see the nation change into something better. This lovely biography written in Eliza's voice is a great introduction for young readers and I would recommend it for children 4-9 years old.
~Abigail C.